The story narative for Teachers by Onkar Khamgal...
Few days ago I saw a movie,
The movie was based on Engineering students and teachers...
That time I came with a ideallogy of teachers.. First I came through a question, why the teacher has been introduced in educational structure..?
Answer I got when I think
•While Education a student meet friends, they are directed to education by there parents/ society to achieve a knowledge,healthy and prosperous life with the help of Education..
here what happens..
•Parents give Education> •teachers are medium for Education>
•Education leads a successful life, knowledge, money etc..
::When we simplify in science - healthy food we eat it's digestion happen by which blood/ Energy get gerenates ..
°Comparing with above thought..°
Food given gift of education by parents, Healthy food is education, Digestion is what we learn, energy/ blood seems to be a result (sussessful- happy healthy prosperous life)...
But where are the teachers here,""they are the heart in student life which circulate the blood of knowledge, Life which tree's has unlimited fruits"" .
I onkar khamgal thank all teachers to be heart of are student life..