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Threats to students Career, Education and their Life ..

 Biggest threat...

College life is one era in students life, after completion of school education a student think about college, his future education and where it Begains---

A students imagine his college, friends, teachers and all with the help of Bollywood movies  which he watch previous, yes some movies have made big impact on students where they copy that vision, approach  towards study now a days .

 The most important thing for them is Enjoyment, Entertainment, Friends etc. rather than career.

The biggest threat to students career is..

                              Mind Wandering and Rumination --

 What is mind wandering?

While my studies I have also gone through this situation.  You would have listen that Teachers, friends says that you are physically present here and mentally at another place , at that time the situation occurs is mind wandering.

Further it can be said person engage in their own thoughts about their problems or other negative experiences is also a Mind wandering.

Mind wandering affects students learning process , many students mind wander while lectures/studies  are going , which miss there study .

You can  Prevent Mind Wandering by following steps:-

  •   Try focusing on one thing at a time.
  •       Set reminders to check whether you are still focused on your task. 
  •       Give your mind more to do. 
  •       Daydream during breaks. 
  •       De - stress.
  •       Get some sleep. 
  •       Eat nutritious food with daily Exersice.
  •       Create a routine – let it be Daily, weekly or specific hour routine.

What is Rumination? Does it leads to Depression…

The main cause of  Depression.

The process of continuously thinking about the same thoughts, which tend to be sad or dark, is called rumination. A habit of rumination can be dangerous to your mental health, as it can prolong or intensify depression as well as impair your ability to think and process emotions.

The above is definition, but in my words it is what you think about an incident or any other thing continuously which does not let you think another things is called rumination. You continuously think about means Rumination. Which causes overthinking, distracts mind from current work.

Most seen purpose for Rumination is  failed relationship, Breakup in students life  where they stick on that position let it be Boy or girls they should move on or stop thinking what is happen past,  Live in present with accepting current situation. 

 Rumination is a behavior of   person but not a mental health condition. It's a common symptom in anxiety and mood disorders, but you should check whether it does  not remain permanent.

You can  Prevent Rumination by following steps:-

  • Identify the source of rumination
  • Feel your emotions, Observe it .
  • Control what you can and the things in your hand.
  • Be present, live in present situation.
  • Do exercise means it will transfer from mind to body your attention.
  • Always  Positive thougts in mind.
  • Do take action - sometimes inaction leads to more rumination, engage     yourself always.
  • Get Support from loved ones – share your filling , connect with friend,    Parents.


         There are some more  things which destract students from there goals  like-

·         Laziness which comes in there  studies as well as in there day to day life.

         TechnologyWeb surfing, Social media, and electronic gadgets.

          The biggest ever threat to students now a days and also a opportunity.

           What  happens while using a technological gadgets like Mobile, Tabs, Pc, Laptops, students doesn’t get to the actual what is happening surrounding, they invole there hole concentration into it. This is one of the most obvious and worst distractions students are facing in the digital age today.

      The social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, twitter, youtube, and many other are major harm to students career.

       Unnecessary talking..  

       The students doesn’t get what he should speak , where to speak, with whom what to speak, talk , share there things.   The sense, ethics are lagging back now a days  in there teaching what I think.

        The most of students interrupt  others while speaking, they doesn’t  listen others  means they does not have patience.


           Further will be continued in Part- 2 be connected… 

                      comment for next part- 2


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